Children's Dentistry

It is quite important to teach kids oral hygiene as early as possible to help develop their teeth with little to no problem. The best time to start is usually around age two to three years as they can understand a little bit and also, it is at this age where the child’s teeth are in contact with each other.

Bacteria can develop into plaque when food particles get caught between them. This is also a great time to visit a paediatric dentist in Parramatta to have your kids’ teeth checked for any problem. Let us look at some dental care tips for your child.

It should be noted that most kids at an early age have a liking to sugar and as such, a huge number of parents often include this to their diet. Parramatta paediatric dentistry however, advise parents to regulate the sugar intake of their child as this can have a huge impact with their oral health.

Parramatta Paediatric dentistry

Eating sugary treats after mealtime is advised because our mouth produces more saliva which acts as a defence in helping protect a child’s teeth. Hard candies are not often recommended as they can get often stuck between teeth which can lead to the development of cavities.

Children’s dentistry in Parramatta recommends flossing to remove the candy particles.

Pediatric dentist Sydney encourages their patients to pursue a healthy diet that is good for their teeth. Dairy products are known to help combat oral bacteria and promote stronger teeth. The same is true with regards to fruits and vegetables.

I am obsessed about dentistry and its never-ending evolution, and endeavour to make your dental experience a pleasant and mutually rewarding experience.

09 Sep, 2020

Pediatric Dentist Sydney

Children Dental Care in Parramatta Pediatric dentist or pedodontist are dentists who specialise in children dentistry. They are dentists who have completed additional studies and education on children’s dental care,… Read More